Well I guess i should have some real work up here, so I'll let you gander at some crap I'm proud of that i was forced to do in school. Hmm, that sounds akward, that i did in college. Nah, that sounds like i could have gone to any 'ol art school. That i did in University. Yea. Here are some things i did in University.
These guys here are all the same guy. Salisbury the Clown. But as you may notice, he both looks different and has a much more robust title. We started out with a character, and were to make a
turn around for him. Then as the course went on we made several more versions of that character, in the style of whatever time-period of animation we were studying. I also get bored easily, and it wasn't enough just to remodel my precious clownie-pants. No, i added to his prestige each reiteration.
Turn Around (n): animation term; character(s) or object(s) subjugated to semi-humiliating, quasi-voyeuristic viewings from multiple angles to get a sense of dimension, anatomy, and used as a model for other artists to use as a guide. Generally the thing in question will be shown from basic angles as if it were 'turning around' on a Lazy Susan™.

This here is original flavor Salisbury. Well he is retooled a bit because my teacher didn't like the old one, or the cut of his jib, or Salisbury owed my teacher some money. I forget how the story goes.

Here he is in an old 1920's style. Animation became popular since alcohol was illegal at the time, and people needed a way to have mind-numbing hallucinations without being able to legally affect their minds. And even when alcohol came back and crystal-heroine was invented, animation still entertains surrealistically in a mescaline filled world. (the more you know)

This happy- go- lucky son- of- a- bitch was modeled after the late 20s style of animation. You know, where people's arms and legs were made out of rubber tubes because of polio. So they made their cartoon characters reflect real-world diseases of the time. Like that Mouse that whistled on a steamboat? Really that was some captain who had regional elephantiasis of the head. Died a painful death as i recall, and jest about.

Remember those Magoo cartoons? Remember how flat they were, and you could recite the jokes before Magoo spat them out, even if you never saw the cartoon before, and you thought as a five year old that you were precognitive, then freaked out that you knew the word precognitive and tried to predict your dog's death and were eerily close to the point you thought you were God and burnt down a small African tribe with your mind because they could have been praying harder? Remember that? That's the style this guy is in.

The final Salisbury was in an animation style, or a specific animator's style we liked from today's age. I was going to go with Ren & Stimpy, but i figured kids from the previous years have done that to death. So i picked an obscure reference to most, (but not terribly unknown in University) was in the style of Doug TenNapel. Creator of Earthworm Jim (characters), The Neverhood (check your local videogame library) and eventual creator of Nickelodeon's Catscratch. (which was my loophole in picking him as an inspiration.) If you don't know who the man is, go Google his ass, and get back to me how infinitely cool he his. DO IT!