Thursday, December 24, 2009

dogs and cats ... eye of newt and wing of FRAK

I'm not proud of that headline joke, but there it shall stand, reminding me to put more effort into future puns. Well another belated post is upon thee ... thine? Both of us. Many moons ago, about October, i scurried off to New York (city/state) to gallivant around yet another comic convention. this one was sponsored by Wizard. Yes it has fewer guest stars, (and fewer still as cancellations arose throughout the leading weeks) but also means fewer folk i hate / hate me in the comic world. I can't believe i'm not in the industry in the slightest, and i have like 2 comic creators that dislike me, or know of me enough to stay away.

Regardless, i made the trek to the apple shaped city not for nerdism, but for a nerdy gal. That was the main goal. But i figure while i was there, may as well nerd-out to who ever was going to show up. In the few months leading up to the con, i just so happened to
pull out a Battlestar marathon with one of me best mates. From about 1am - 4ish we would watch a few episodes nearly nightly. Needless to say, save for the final episode, i was fairly hooked. And had a weird man crush on General Tigh. Captain Tigh? XO Tigh. Of whom would be at the show.

Now i had no plans for anyone to sign anything, because what's the point? to say i met the guy/gal? sell it on ebay? Well i met Michael Hogan (he who doth play the Tigh) out in the parking lot the 1st day. I ran out there cause my mom was calling me, and i couldn't hear her. While on the phone, there Hogan was, smoking a cig, and chatting with his volunteer body guard. I told my mom, "Mom there's someone from TV out here i admire ... i ... gotta ........goooo" So met the guy and it went something like this. Also i can do a fine impression of Tigh, so imagine a 30-40 year younger, more jewish version of Tigh:

"Oh hey man, sorry, i was just over there geeking out"
"Oh ya ya. Sure. Geek away."

"Hate to bother you, but you are like the main reason i came out. You and .... [blank on real name] Adama, who sadly had to cancel."
"Well ya. Eddie is doooin that there Green Harnet movie. And we wesh him all the best."

[as the volunteer is getting in between me and Mix-Master-Eyepatch, i try to squeeze in one more question]
"Hey, Michael, if i ran into you during the show again, would i be able to get you to sign something? Or do you charge for that?" [in my defense, the website said he charged for pictures, but no mention of autographs]
"Ya ya, its gonna run ya 30 bucks. Gotta break the bank and bleed yer wallet. But hope tah see ya around all the same"

Well that sealed it, i had to get the guy to sign something, and would be the only guy there i would have paid to see his loverly Handcock. So i spent the blunt of the night concocting a picture, ala the Bruce Campbell picture, with the blank speech bubble. Well Mr Hogan loved the damn thing. He asked why i wasn't at my own table. (or he was being overly nice for my fandom) and he screamed the words as he wrote in the speech bubble "You are ... the FRAKKING King!"
The version i am showing here is just the digital ver. If i get unlazy enough with bouts of speed use, and dropping Mexican sugar dots, then i might scan the actual photo / scribblings. Best 30 bucks spent ever.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Man this things are becoming regular events concurrent with daylight savings or some such. Well i have a few goodies here, that i shall share intermittently. This here is from a few months back, from an art gallery my friend hosts. That show was the 80s Videogame show. Though i think the 80s part of it was taken from the title. Anyways, there were lots of great pieces at the show. Now being the phenomenal narcissist that i be, i generally will enter a collection of art and be either among the best artistically or best humorously. This show humbled my grandness for about a night, as i wasn't even close to the top ten in either category, in my opinion. But since i'm not posting any of the others' works, all you get to know is how awesome this one piece is. Unless you are familiar with 'I am 8-bit'. Then i don't look so hot. Enjoy.
For those who are unaware because your videogame knowledge is severely lacking, this is my tribute to the classic game Burgertime. Only i reversed the ominous roles of the chef and the food people, and subsequently the tiny baby sausage people. I also charged $19.87 for this ... or something close to that price, reflecting the year it was made. It did not sell. I would sell it to all you humble folk, but you can just as easily save this to your harddrives, you damned moochers.