Why did none of you quantum fans send me a backward traveling message to tell me how long i've been neglecting you? well i guess in the future you're not waiting as long between posts as in present day takes me to make them. Ooops on me. Kudos to you quantum readers. Anyways, part of my time has been taken up by a super secret project that i will gladly tell anybody about who asks. This next thing has nothing to do with that.
So to get myself motivated each day, i should do warm up sketches like all my artist heroes do. Or they lie so i take up more of my time so i am less of a threat. Fucktards. Regardless of their fucktardery, i shall do the thing i just said i was to do. I want to come up with a quick sketch of something everyday. So i need a theme. This month's theme is 80s SPACE OPERA! I started, for about a week, on this idea, so i have like 3 characters already drawn out somewhere else. But not 30 days worth of material. So i will be creating an 80s Space Opera little by little on this BaLrOG of joy.

This here is, uh, some kid. Guess i need to name these guys too. Right now he is known as The Cosmic Sword! or maybe just The Space Sword. Something space followed by Sword! (he has a small sword scar on his eye.) He is the strongest kid in the known galaxy! (name of this known galaxy pending) Able to punch through anything, or crush whatever. But he hates that he was created for the raw energy in his body. So where ever possible, he opts to use one of his two Coil Guns. Due to some supervillainous misdeed, the Cosmic Sword was created. I kinda forget how i came up with his original creation. I didn't write it down, and only told one person who wasn't paying attention. Something to do with two suns colliding, and he was born in the energy resulting from that. But there was something else more cool about that. Cooler than being born from two suns exploding into one another. If not, i GUESS that's cool enough. More on this kid's past and future as more characters and places arise.
This project was conceived from me discovering all kinds of Space related fantasy movies from the 80s that were animated. Some from Canada, some that never saw wide releases. But i found out about them (even just hearing about them) in the last year. I kind of miss that aesthetic. It was awful, but it was cult awful. Check out Starchaser - The Legend of Orin for a great example. That's where a lot of these inspirations will be coming from anyway. This posted picture i created an hour before midnight, and missed posting on the 1st. So hopefully there will be two posts today, many hours apart. So this sketch isn't the quality i am looking for in a quick sketch. I don't know what i will be aiming for, but i will be trying something different from this in future posts. (the yellow of the gun and the blue of his vest should be glowing more. They ain't. There will be more pictures of the Cosmic Sword, in better styles! Maybe the Cosmic Kid? Cosmic Sword Kid? Kid Cosmic Sword? That last one has a bell ringing, and its for me)
UPDATE: whoops. turns out i am still crazy lazy. Maybe later i will concoct an easier and more excitable daily drawing thing. So stay tuned for ... something at somepoint!