Woah, its been a cock long time. Well longer than that, depending on WHOM's cock you speak of. So to you future fans, reading this as present fans, from my self published time autobiography - wherein i tell about myself hence and forth in time, you will recall that this current time, past to you, is when i went through (and still in mid) The Maddening. A trial of depression coaxed on
by good fortune and mediocre luck. Don't you just hate that? when one thing goes wrong, EVERYTHING goes ... kinda right? making you not appreciate that crap all the more? no? spoiled; me? Pishaawwww.
Anyways, in order not to turn this blog into a whiny LiveJournal post, here am some art. I did this actually at the beginning of The Maddening. But you know, i was maddened, so i didn't post it until now ... mostly procrastinating other work. So this was for a gallery of TNMT, the most vague topic yet, and this time i didn't create it the night before. No, because i forgot when the due date was, and drew it the day of (during an animation meeting rehearsal thing.) and printed and submitted the day after. But the dudes who do the thing are cool as always and junk. Anyways, this piece was done out of love and spite. In my time biography, see the chapter interwoven with The Maddening titled My 1st Art Nemesis. He or she is a guy or gal who may or may not have been jealous to have been in or been excluded from the Turtle show. Maybe.
Hopefully more art is to follow. Since i have more time on my hands currently than i know how to focus correctly. See interwoven chapter: Forced Retirement at 26.