Hey there quantum believers. You may be looking through these ancient archives since my main hub of interest is some hyper holographic area of artistic congregation. At the moment, i believe it is called The Horror Boner. Though i imagine that by the time you quantum fans are mightily amassed, the name will be quite different. Something more inappropriate as conservativeness is mostly obliterated.
Anyways, i have been playing off an on with a new photoshop brush. Stumpy Pencil ver2. (in case you wanted to google it. You know, the verb; To Google)
This here was my main character of an ongoing (mental) story. Now he is some shlump.

This other gentleman is Captain
Nocrime. He is very against crime. Also, not an homage to Brock Samson. Unless that hurts your feelings. Then it might be. Unless you are a lawyer. Then that guy's hair color is magenta. Also his symbol is supposed to be reminiscent of a NO sign. (ala Ghostbuster) But the diagonal cross is through a C ... for crime. It looks like a cent sign, or a simplified hammer and sickle. GO (away) CRIME, GO!