So i had a brilliant idea. For a hypothetically awesome night. I met Bruce Campbell tonight, somewhat, he was present for the showing of My Name is Bruce for a Q n A. So he walked by me a few times. And each time i froze. So the plan was to ask him an awesome question or have him sign something more awesome. DVD? Toy? poster? AH .. a drawing i made of him. Perhaps as an insane Campbell that thinks he truly is Ash. Perfect. What should drawn Bruce be saying? couldnt think. Drew a speech bubble in early thumbnails ... in my head. Eventually i came up with the bestest idea ever. DONT PUT ANYTHING IN THE BUBBLE! so when bruce signs it, he can write whatever the fuck he wants to! Maybe i would start a trend of this. Knowing famous folk are coming my way, draw up a cariacture of them, and have them fill in speech bubbles! awesome! Only bruce campbell wasnt signing anything, and the 10 fantastic lies i came up with to make him do it were shot down by my crippling frozen body when he would come near. Him and Weird Al are all i would freeze for.
To make up for my introvertedness, i made fun of some douches behind me. They were talking throughout the movie, making bad jokes ... laughing at them. Then when Bruce should have shown up for the Q n A, they started chanting BOO .. BOO-Ruce ... BOOOO-RUCE ... and thought they were some fuckin shits. So i laughed as loud and as hysterically as i could, during their silence, overly explaining their joke. Theyre best comeback was that they

guess people with beards can make jokes. They werent worthy of my ridicule, they wouldnt get it. Luckily Bruce called them douches when he showed up. Sol good. So here's the blank bubble picture of ol brucie.