Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Calamitous Kidney Caper

Yup, only a few minutes ago i posted my animation demo reel. Well i did't just want to tease folk wanting to see some bad drawing move poorly. So here is a much labored animation i did for my senior year at University of the Arts. Just for some back story, you should know that the only real impressive thing about my animation is its sheer length. Most animations in the show were 3-5 min, and that was pushing it, even for the people who spent all 2 semesters and the previous summer working on their own masterpieces. Mine is 10 min in length, and was enssentially constructed in the final semester, with about 70% of it being completed in the last 2-3weeks. Once you see it, the back of your head will scream 'And it shows' but thats neither here nor there you jerk.

The other thing you should know about this piece is that the internet is not its optimal viewing designation. There are key jokes that are designed for how it was originally shown. Every year, the seniors who finish an animation show it off in an auditorium down the road. Every year there are mishaps, like students running in several minutes before their animation was to play in the show, with a last minute, freshly burned, DVD to play. More often than not, the DVDs have not been made properly, and suffer horrible, unplayable, glitches. Others use the recommended miniDV tapes, as they should be reliable, but maybe the tape itself is damaged, or worse yet the player is malfunctioning.

So to theoretically view this piece at its peek, you should imagine yourself in a darkened theater, with art students and their parents surrounding you. You have seen several animations and several student film pieces. The film pieces are too long and the animations don't go one for as long as you would like. For some reason several pieces have attempted to play, but something horrible went wrong, right at the moment of a pivotal scene or funny moment. The audience sighs 'Awww' and hopefully that film or animation will play later in the show, hopefully glitch free. Then comes my piece, a 10 minute animation, clearly demonstrating a lesson in patience. Click play, and allow the magic to flow into you, and enjoy The Calamitous Kidney Caper.

The Calamitous Kidey Caper

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