So originally i wasn't going to post this, but what the shit right? Acctually i threw this up because of additional news. But let's start with the piece's creation, 'cuz i know you all just twitch and seizure in anxious delight for my maddening and mundane reasoning behind everything. So this was for a new art gallery show thing, the theme being Tokyo Pop Culture. So after a few sketchbook pages of ideas, this is the one that tickled my awesome places. All of the places. For those having trouble making out the image, it's of a giant robot, leaning over, talking to a little, innocent boy. Because this happens all to often in japanese culture. And the robot is asking, very politely, for the boy to be inside him. You know, so they can learn and grow from each other.
So again i made it the night before, and got far enough along that maybe i made compromises in the sketch phase to move on to the rest. So if i had to really think about it, i should change the head to be more clear as a head. Didn't do that, and i didn't think the pic was too readable in the end. Which could be a mix of the color scheme, and the design of the robot. And i am adamant about cutting off the top of the robot's head, to make him feel bigger, it becomes less clear since i made his jaw weird.

But the other news! I submitted the piece anyway, because i love myself and my work, and think people should say how awesome my crappy stuff is. (if i am being modest or not. Don't know how often i am modest though) So it's in the show, again next to phenomenal pieces, that blow mine away. The only time i am able to even see it in it's intended glory, with a small audience on First Friday, is i have to meander over during my break at work. So i have this 30min window, minus travel walking time, to gaze upon my work and others'. So i talk to the officially unofficial caretaker of the show, of whom i've met on many many occasions in the last few years, and she has yet to remember remembering me. Anyways, after talking about the pieces, and eventually mine, she mentions some dude came in, bought like 3 pieces off the wall at once, and one was mine! Stoked! i am stoked. I mean i've only sold one other piece in these shows ever. (see previous posts quantum believers, to find out which one.)
And i can't believe its another piece that i didn't think was that good from me that made this imaginary cut of does someone like it enough to buy it. Unlike the 1st two shows i was in, this one does not put your name, piece name, media used, price and contact info up on the wall with the image. I don't care either way. But that means mysterious purchaser took mine sight unseen ... as far as price was concerned. So my greedy little head, i should have asked for like 1o more bucks. Not because the comic store where this is located takes 10%, i am super cool with that. But just so i have more seed money to buy more cheap ass frames for people to buy more of my computer'ed art. Though selling for 20 will get me another 4ish frames to sell pictures i am not too fond of. God, i just love my last one sooo much. The image, the color, the idea ... all so clean. But that little boy is fucking adorable, and i love the amount of suggested innocence. His giant lolly, and potential new balloon for him to play with. You don't know this kid. He could be a serial milk rapist. He enjoys getting his bones stronger anyway possible. Enjoy that image, coming to a gallery near you!