Well I don't have that kinda update for you gentle True Believers (i can steal that right? he has a toehold in the hole right?) so all i have is my own narcissism. I got tired of looking at my factory installed wallpaper (for my spiffy new Tablet PC) and drew me a new bedfellow to gaze at. Originally this was going to be a ... uh ... poetic image? the rabbit was going to be in a giant NO symbol, and all powerful, keeping the tentacles at bay. But instead he got erased and doomed bunny got thrown in. But thanks to Johan Vasquez ... or a correct spelling of that name ... the word doom is now as threatening as cuddlepoots. Even little gothesque girl make their little Vlogs of Doom, with their Lappys of Doom, taken from their Notebooks of Doom, kept in their doom doom doomie doom DOOOOM. So doom is kitch and now out. So there is my place holder for now, until i can think of a better villanous doom equivelant to unleash upon my fair true quantum believers, to hopefully ruin so all the preppy-goths can run around with their lunchboxes of [insert evil here].