Why did he never updated anymore? That's what the future generation of The-Robbie fans will ask when OBSESSING over my updates, and then lack-there-of. There will be riots, because again, these are the quantum fans that don't exist as of now, but will exist later, and are enjoying this in the past - which is now. And they are outraged. So to appease the people and their fires in the streets ... or by then, the hover streets... here are some old pictures i think look interesting. They are colored and have an attempt at backgrounds. Still, there will have to be heavy use of

imagination for placement of setting. A hearty endeavor i assure you.
Here are a few kids attacking the toilet version of Giga Bologna.

Here is a gal exploding a cow.
She was so powerful, merely petting the bovine
sent his brains in a tizzy.